Leaf California
Project Details
System Size:
325 kW
Natural Gas
Leaf California, one of the state’s leading growers of premium, natural cannabis, sought to more than double capacity at their Sacramento cultivation facility. Given the facility’s high electricity and water requirements, it was an ideal candidate for a combined cooling, heat & power system (CCHP) with power supplied by Capstone natural gas microturbines. Cal Microturbine implemented the project at the 8,600-square-foot Sacramento facility which is the first of its kind in the industry, with five C65 microturbines installed in 2019 and a sixth added in 2020. In addition, the heat recovery systems capture the exhaust from the turbines and use it to produce 400kBTU/hr of hot water for the indoor greenhouse facility. Energy costs have been reduced by roughly $217,000 per year while the system’s high efficiency means it produces less CO2 emissions per kWh than any California utility for a comparable amount of power generation.
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