
Project Details

System Size:
465 kW
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Natural Gas
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International brewing company, Ambev (a division of AB InBev), based in Brazil, produces 30 brands of beer, soft drinks, tea, sports and energy drinks, juice and water, and is one of the largest independent PepsiCo bottlers in the world. Given the scale and environmental impact of their operations, the company has established a series of sustainability goals, one of which is a 25% reduction in carbon emissions by 2025. The production of beverages at Ambev’s brewing plants made them ideal candidates for a biogas-based system to fuel one C65 microturbine at the malt production facility and one C200R microturbine at the brewery of Águas Claras do Sul. Following their success, the systems were replicated in two other plants in the states of São Paulo and Panará. Together, these four breweries produce 449,000 kWh of energy every month, enough to supply about 2,800 households. The installations have reduced CO2 emissions by 482 tons per year while also reducing AmBev’s dependency on the power grid.

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